The Lady Meets the Queen

Two mornings ago there was quite an event in the harbour.  It was billed as "The Lady Meets the Queen".  Basically, there were going to be two cruise ships passing each other in the harbour - the Queen Mary 2 and the Queen Elizabeth.  I heard some folks talking about it and I also saw some signs up on the ferry wharves advertising it.  Quite frankly, I was pretty underwhelmed...  There are always cruise ships coming in and out of the harbour - after a while you just stop noticing them....  I wasn't about to take time out of my snoozing time to go look at some boats for goodness sake!  

Well, Tuesday morning the alarm went off at 6:30 (ugh!) and Joe went to take the first shower (I have arranged it this way so I can loll around in bed for a few more minutes and make myself tea without feeling too guilty).  Suddenly there was noise assaulting the peaceful morning - helicopters mostly; and two of the loudest ships horns (whistles? Do ships have horns?) I have ever heard.  Joe and I both went out to the office to check it out; and I have to say I'm glad I got to witness it.  I learned later that the Queen Mary 2 is the third largest cruise ship in the world and the Queen Elizabeth isn't much smaller so it was pretty breathtaking to see these floating cities pass each other in such a narrow part of the harbour.  

Luckily my camera was nearby so I have some shots to share with you; but really, they are pretty crap - you can blame it on me still being half asleep and not wanting to open the window and let the cold wind in!  Also because I had not had my tea yet.  

Oh, and did I mention the choppers?  There were eight of them circling the ships as they moved like snails through the water.  I'm guessing security was pretty tight on this - they didn't even have eight choppers for Oprah...

The next day when I got home, I checked the mail and got a nasty surprise - No, not the usual spiders and webs that are pretty much always in there.  It was a letter from the US District Court - Eastern Division of Kentucky!  I had one of those moments where your heart stops for a minute or so and then starts flinging itself against your ribcage.  Horrible scenarios started running through my mind - I was being summoned, subpoenaed, sued or something else equally as awful.  I ripped the letter open only to find a jury summons - Ha!  What a trick!  Needless to say, I do not qualify for jury duty in my present situation, i.e... living outside of Boone County for more that six months out of the last year and also living out of the actual United Sates. 

Back to the pictures of the cruise ships - I wanted to share them right away so I plugged in my camera that same morning and was completely embarrassed to see photos downloading from as far back as Australia Day (for those of you who don't know, that was on January 26th.... Oops).  So, it seems as though I need to do some serious photo editing and then start sharing them.  Maybe I'll work on that tonight?  Then again.... maybe not!
4 Responses
  1. Cristin Says:

    So cool! I wish I'd remembered and gone to see this. That last picture really shows the perspective - amazing!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    I'm pretty underwhelmed by cruise ships as well, especially after going on one last June. But that is a cool pic, nonetheless. And I'm still madly in love with your view, no matter what's out there!

    julie z-l

  3. Kimmi Says:

    Thanks for the pictures. I love your view too!

  4. lilDdownunder Says:

    Thank you for being such a wonderful blogging friend! I think you hit the nail on the head when you hoped that my vacation would rejuvenate me; I think it is just what I need to get out of my blahs. I'm 27 but I still feel like a kid a lot of the time and not seeing my parents for a full year and not seeing my little sister, my best friend, for over a year has really taken its toll on me. People yelling awful things over the phone to me at work doesn't help, either. I think C has a stronger backbone than little D ;) Hope you're doing well...long time no post, but I keep checking in every few days in the hopes you'll have something new up soon. And thanks for the Sydney meet up offer, I'd love to come hang with you and C sometime. You guys always seem to have tons of fun together!

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